170802 CoE

Attendees: Bill, James, Sheila (LUGM Office Manager), Thomas (1919)



Ben Mark, Guest, Guest

1907 – waiting for Mike & Jacquelyn

1910- getting started… James Hensley, 18 years old, applied and was accepted (Father was here as his driver);

1911- Jackie arrives


COE Agenda 8-2-17

Written by Thomas Brewer, COE President


1916 – Calvert County Public School Waste Management

    –While attending Calvert’s Environmental Commission meeting in June, I met Sheila Stevens, the Energy and Environmental Specialist for Calvert County Public Schools, and she has since informed me about their county’s public school recycling program. They have single stream recycling that goes to an MRF in Prince George’s County, which is owned by the County and operated by MES. Aside from normal recyclables, they also haul off a variety of other materials, from ink cartridges and electronics to landscaping debris and oil filters. She also sent me their Resource Management and Energy Conservation Plan, which can be viewed at the following link: http://www.calvertnet.k12.md.us/UserFiles/Servers/Server_123339/File/Departments/School%20Facilities/Energy%20Conservation/Resource%20Management%20and%20Energy%20Conservation%20Plan.pdf. I would like to contact our Public School system and determine whether or not we have a similar sustainability plan. I would also like to look into their hauling service to ensure that they are also sending single stream recycling to an MRF.

1919 Thomas arrives; Thomas thought only Waste Management took items to MRF’s – and they only ones that run them; seven in MD, four by WM; three by MES; St. Mary’s has MoA with MES (although not for recycling);

1920 Bill arrives (was tied up in METCOM meeting);

In Calvert, the County runs most of the recycling program;

“Solid Waste and Recycling in Maryland” on Maryland.gov (revised 2017) has lots of good info; 77% of our waste goes to Virginia; http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/Pubs/LegisLegal/2017-Waste-Management.pdf

Discussion about article: http://www.somdnews.com/enterprise/news/local/trash-agreement-with-calvert-renewed/article_de14e535-8268-5cf1-a5e1-75129fda079f.html

Calvert schools: Single stream, and pickup for lamps/tubes/ink cartridges/other… bins out for outside sporting events and bins in every rooms in the entire school; Thomas will follow up on what is going on single stream; costs in St. Mary’s are about the same for recyclable and non-recyclables;

Thomas still has passion for composting since it could help the situation, but realizes this is political in nature; the start for him was finding out about the $2.5M accumulated debt for closing the landfill;

James asked about Hogan cancelling OMalley “zero waste” initiative and how it would affect our Solid Waste; Thomas believes St. Mary’s is way ahead of its required recycling rate;


Thomas wants to follow up with our schools to find out who their hauler is and where their materials go (MRF? Non Waste Management MRF? Covanta?)


1948: Soil Amendments

    -I recently emailed Bruce Young, the District Manager for the St. Mary’s County Soil Conservation District regarding two topics that we discussed previously. First, I asked him about agricultural buffer trees. We discussed trees with root systems that act as buffers to agricultural runoff at our last meeting, and I asked if there were any programs or initiatives that he was aware of that included planting trees around agricultural land for this purpose. I also inquired about any possible uses for pulverized glass with regards to soil amendments in the county. I informed him that we are trying to work with Chaney Enterprises to incorporate glass from local bars and restaurants into concrete production. I called and left a message with Chaney Enterprises, but have not yet received a call back from them.

    Upon reading the agenda outline, Ben informed me about an NPR story regarding the end of sand mining in the U.S. I found a transcript of the interview at the following link: http://www.npr.org/2017/07/21/538472671/world-faces-global-sand-shortage. They discuss the black market sand industry that has evolved over the years since beach sand mining has been shut down by governments around the world. They describe how recycling sand is not as easy as other materials, because it is intended to be used in more permanent materials, not one-time-use materials like paper or plastic. With the last sand mine in the U.S. being closed recently, this resource may become very important in the future.


1957 Environmental Summit

    -At the last meeting, we discussed the possibility of organizing an environmental summit similar to the one held in Calvert County last year. I asked for a list of organizations that were sought after by their county’s Environmental Commission, and they sent a list that they put together when they were preparing their summit, which I will send as an attachment along with this agenda. If we are interested, this list will be a good starting point for researching appropriate organizations to invite for a summit in our county.







(compiled by the Calvert County Environmental Commission, November 2016)






Mission Statements

Year Founded* 

Approximate number of members* 

Contact Person 

Contact Email Address 

American Chestnut Land Trust 

To promote land conservation throughout Calvert County, To provide sustainable public access to our preserved properties, To protect the natural and cultural resources of the Parkers Creek and Governors Run watersheds.



Greg Bowen 


Association of Southern Maryland Beekeepers 

Dedicated to the free exchange of ideas, opinions, and information resources to support beekeepers in St. Mary’s, Calvert, and Charles counties



Walt Williams 



Calvert Citizens Green Team 

Work to promote sustainable lifestyles by identifying and sharing innovative green technologies, hosting a Green Expo and encouraging environmental stewardship among county citizens in their homes, workplaces and communities.



Dawn Balinski 


Calvert County Department of Community Planning and Buliding 

To maintain or improve the quality of life for county residents by providing quality planning, zoning and code enforcement services to Calvert County at the direction of the Board of County Commissioners



Mark Willis  


Calvert County Division of Solid Waste & Recycling 

To provide all customers with efficient, cost effective, reliable and safe management of Calvert County’s solid waste and recycling activities. 



William Teter 


Calvert County Environmental Commission 

To make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners of Calvert County after thorough study and deliberation concerning matters of environmental impact to the residents of Calvert County on any and all matters pertaining to the environment of said County, pertaining to, but not limited to, aesthetic impact, socio-economic impact, and the general health and welfare of the said resident



Scott Sinex 


Calvert County Forestry Board 

The Calvert Forestry Board is a group of citizens who serve as advocates for forestry in Calvert County.



Autumn Phillips 


Calvert County Health Department 

To promote and protect the health of all county residents by preventing illness and eliminating hazards to health 



Bill Haygood 


Calvert County Master Gardeners 

To educate Maryland (Calvert County) residents about safe, effective and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes and communities, thereby reducing fertilizer and pesticide use, and improving our soil and water quality.

2002 (Calvert) UMD (1979) 


Judy Kay 


Calvert County Mosquito Control 

Calvert County Mosquito Control provides countywide integrated pest abatement of nuisance and vector (disease carrier) mosquitoes. The Mosquito Control Program is totally committed to an integrated approach that includes physical, biological, and chemical control options to reduce the mosquito population throughout Calvert County. 



William Clay 


Calvert County Natural Resources Division 

To preserve, manage and operate natural resource areas to provide compatible outdoor recreation and educational opportunities for the public.



Karyn Molines 


Calvert County Public Schools 

Public education  



Sheila Stevens 



Calvert Eats Local 

A citizen organization dedicated to the support of sustainable agriculture and community in Southern Maryland.



Holly Budd 


Calvert Environmental Protection Association 

Environmental protection of bay watershed 



Albert Tucker 



Calvert Marine Museum 

Preservation of natural, maritime and geological history of Calvert County.



David Moyer 


Calvert Nature Society 

Calvert Nature Society is dedicated to the protection and preservation of Calvert County’s natural heritage and the creation of an environmentally literate and aware community. We provide opportunities for appreciation and understanding of our natural world through our outreach initiatives and in support of the mission of the Calvert County Natural Resources Division.



Anne Sundermann 


Chesapeake Bay Commission 

To advise the general assemblies of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia on matters of Baywide concerns 



Bernie Fowler 


Chesapeake Beach Oyster Cultivation Society 

To raise 100,000 oyster spat for one year prior to planting in Chesapeake Bay; conduct educational field trips for the Calvert County School System so students can view the oyster growth cycle; monitor water quality in Fishing Creek for oyster health; offer outreach programs for civic, church and youth groups; and enhance the Chesapeake Beach Railway Trail



John Bacon 


Chesapeake Ranch Estates Lake Preservation Committee 

CRE lake preservation  



Andy Rogers 



Citizens Climate Lobby

To create the political will for climate solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power. 

National Group 2007 


Audrey Butler 


Cove Point Natural Heritage Trust

To preserve and protect ecologically sensitive sites in the vicinity of Cove Point through land conservation, scientific research, and environmental education



Bob Boxwell

Mike Rudy 



Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Assoc, SOMD Chapter

Promote the fisheries in the Bay, Bay conservation and fisheries conservation 



Jerry Gaff 


Morgan State University 

The mission of the Patuxent Environmental & Aquatic Research Laboratory (PEARL) is to provide society with the knowledge to solve its environmental challenges through research, education and economic development.



Kelton Clark 


Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust 

Land preservation 



Frank Allen 



Sierra Club, Southern Maryland Group, Maryland Chapter 

To protect the State’s and County’s natural wildlife resources by monitoring legislation, sponsoring outings, and educating the public about pressing environmental issues 



Bob Boxwell 


Southern Calvert Land Trust 

To preserve open space lands in southern Calvert County, to acquire land or conservation easements, to promote wise land use, and to enrich the lives of southern Calvert County residents through preservation of ecologically important open space and wetlands



Curt Larsen 



Southern Maryland Audubon Society 

To promote appreciation, conservation, and protection of birds, other wildlife, and their natural habitats through education, research, and outreach



Lynne Wheeler 


Sustainable Calvert Network 

To share information and offer support among Network members; to achieve a future for Calvert County that fully integrates farming, fishing, natural and cultural resources along with economic and societal needs.



Greg Bowen 


University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Chesapeake Biological Laboratory 

To be a research, education, and service institution of the University System of Maryland (USM) and a world leader in the science of coastal environments and their watersheds. The Center’s faculty advances knowledge through scientific discovery, integration, application, and teaching that results in a comprehensive understanding of our environment and natural resources, helping to guide the State and world toward a more sustainable future.



Tom Miller 


University of Maryland Extension, 4-H 

Non-formal education system providing assistance to citizens in agriculture, environment & natural resources, food & nutrition, health & wellness, water & Chesapeake Bay, and home gardening



Chris Seubert 



* Responses provided by organization representatives in November 2016 Environmental Summit Survey or available on public website


Thomas is considering trying to identify environmental groups in St. Mary’s; knows of Watershed Association; Bill mentioned that NAS Pax River has an environmental department; talked about looking at Earth Day on the Square vendors;

2005 – Mike saw and article about Frederick County/Frederick Md – Tree City city; https://www.arborday.org/programs/treecityusa/standards.cfm

Thomas might reach out to Seafood/Ag committee – and various gardener groups;

2017 5th grade Maryland Arbor Day poster winner is from Lexington Park: http://dnr.maryland.gov/forests/Pages/2017-Arbor-Day-Poster-Contest-Winners.aspx

Mike shared that some 48% of St. Mary’s County is forested – but there is little attention to it as a subject; there is apparently more trees now than there was 100 years ago;

2019 Thomas saw an article about solar shingles will be available in 2018 and within a few years, they will be cheaper than regular shingles;

Talked about Volvo stopping internal combustion in the near future;

Talked about EV charging stations in St. Mary’s (plugshare and chargepoint): Holiday Inn Express, Tom Hodges, Wildewood Apartments

2038 adjouned