171004 CoE


Attendees: Bill, Mike, Ben, James, Thomas, Mark, Jackie, Nicole


1903 starting discussing SMECO solar growth email from Mike, and then discussed EV vehicles/charging stations, and then “full cost” of alternative energy (waste and production energy) including externalities


COE Agenda 10-4-17

Written by Thomas Brewer, COE President


1919 – 2018 Workshop Ideas

    –While trying to think of a workshop that we could support for local residents, I thought about raising chickens in backyards. I believe that if done properly, raising chickens can be environmentally beneficial and provide an economic benefit to residents that enjoy eating eggs. Nicole is aware of a Western MD county that offers classes to residents interested in raising chickens. If we want to pursue this workshop idea, University of Maryland Extension (UME) may be a great partner, as they ran the rain barrel and compost bin workshops for us this year. Nicole is planning to attend this month’s meeting, and will let us know about our remaining inventory from this year’s workshops. If it was considered a success, we may want to consider supporting the same workshops for next year.

Nicole – 31 attendees, 14 attended both, 18 composting bins, 26 (55) gallon rain barrels; barrels are normally $75, residents can get barrel and parts for $30; this weekend – in conjunction with PRAD at CMM; Thomas asked about feedback and Nicole will follow up to get survey results; asking for homeowners to put information into “SMART” tool;


Discussions about chickens and having a workshop on how to raise them; may need to figure out HoA restrictions; Nicole will pass on idea;


Class on backyard vegetable growing;


Master Gardener Coordinator position (was Jennifer Horton) – part time faculty with UMD;



1942 – Upcoming UME programs

    -Nicole sent me an email regarding upcoming events being held by UME in the coming weeks. The first, which takes place this Saturday, October, 7th at Calvert Marine Museum, is a rain barrel workshop similar to the one that they did for us this year. The other event will be held on Saturday, October, 21st at the Agriculture Service Center in Leonardtown, and will be regarding well water. The clinic is intended to teach homeowners living on well water how to maintain their well and how to test their water for toxins.

Also one on the afternoon of the 21st for Calvert;


1945 – Discussion on Meeting Date

    –We have met on the first Wednesday of the month for as long as I have been with the Commission, but Mike had mentioned that they were not always convenient for him, so I think we should discuss and determine if there is a better time and place to meet that is convenient for everybody.

Discussion about moving to first Tuesday; next meeting is Tue, Nov 7th;


1951 – Reforestation in St. Mary’s County

    -We had discussed reforestation at a prior meeting, and following that meeting, James sent me an email with some links to Maryland’s DNR website. I did some reading, and it seems that if a state or local entity wants to clear more than one acre of forest, they are required to reforest the same amount, preferably in land that is between the cite and a tributary. First, they are supposed to seek out public land to reforest, but if that is not possible, they are required to contribute to the Reforestation Fund.


1953 – open discussion: impatiens have a fungus in Illinois; can compost kill in compost? Ask an expert on the HGIC; Nicole will check if Ag can check for fungus in soil testing;


2001 out;


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